I have.
Sit back and ask yourself, what is the state of your spiritual life? Are you happy? Are your beliefs proving and re-proving themselves everyday? When was the last time you experienced a miracle? You know the possibility, the sheer potential is all out there, waiting for you. For totems may speak to you and try to get your attention, but if you are resolute in ignoring them, you shall never know.
To miss the joys of nature, the mastery of reality, the closeness of other worlds: THAT is hell!
Never forget that the Ways are always accessible to all, you need but outstretch your hand and touch them. You must let go of your want to dominate the universe, to be it's center or ruler. How can you rule over that which IS you? You are the breeze against the hurricane, a cell rebelling against the body.
Know that this body shall always heal, and that no tumor lives for long. But it is not that this world and the many after it seek harm upon you, ay, they wish you only the best! It is YOU who decided to throw yourself in danger, wnadering the dark streets alone. Some, some can walk these streets alone....but we all benefit by having a few tricks up our sleeves and friends at our sides. The Ways do not hide themselves, they are present in all things. To know them is to know Creation, but one must seek them out. We can never indoctriante, to do so is to destroy his soul. We are guides and teachers, helping all and teaching those who seek. Ye must seek out the Ways and ramble if you are to truly become One, verily I say unto you.
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