Saturday, January 19, 2008

Law of Association

"...The next law is the Law of Association. This law is the most commonly and frequently used of all the laws of magic. This law falls with the principle of sympathetic magic. Simply this means things react upon each other under certain imposed or imaginary conditions.

The Law of Similarity is the first of two sublaws contained within the Law of Association, the second is the Law of Contact or Contagion. The Law of Similarity states that like things produce like things, or that an effect resembles its cause.

Schematically this may be illustrated as such: thing 'A' may produce something similar to itself called 'C'; and, thing 'B' may produce something similar to itself called 'C'; and, this something called 'C' may be shared by both 'A' and 'B'.

The Law of Contact or Contagion, the second sub law of the Law of Association, follows from the Law of Similarity. This law states that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance even after physical contact has been severed.

This can be shown by the following example: the something or commodity 'C' which is similar to and was shared by thing 'A' and thing 'B' can after its detachment from 'A' and 'B' affect or control either or both. The mutual, influencing effect or control these things exert upon each other is dependent upon the greatness with which 'C' was shared.

From the Law of Similarity the magician infers that he can produce any effect just by imitating it. And, from the Law of Contact the magician infers whatever he does to a material object will equally affect the person, or entity, the object was once attached to, whether in the form of a body part or not..."

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