We were all created in god's image, so it follows we might retain a spark of the power of creation. Indeed, every culture on this planet has its own magical tradition, its own connections to the unseen, and the figures who practiced these arts were respected and feared within the community. Only with the rise of the Christian church was magic seen evil and untouchable, and the death toll due to these persecutions is still unknown.
But what is magic? Quite simply, it is the manipulation of the world around us and within us. How we do this often varies, though each school is just as effective as the other. To the Shaman, his world was filled with spirits, and through communication with these spirits he could draw power from them, using it in accordance with their wishes. The European mage saw to direct some ethereal force, deemed "arcane," and use it as he saw fit. The Conjurer, or diabolist, summoned entities from the void, and using violence and threats commanded them to do his bidding from the safety of his circle. The Necromancer sought communion with the dead, and often after many bizzare rituals to align him closer with the dead then the living, he spoke to them, learning their secrets and asking them for favors. The Hoodoo man used a combination of Christian theology and traditional African fetishism to combine elements from the material world and the spiritual, casting "tricks" and creating talismans. The Chaos Magician uses his own subconscious and harnesses symbolism to enact his will, without the use of gods or spirits. The Discordian seemingly goes mad, and through this sphere of confusion he shapes the world around him in accordance with the wishes of his goddess.Even in the Christian church today, magic is practiced under the guise of prayer.
Whats interesting to note is that however far these differing traditions deviate from one another, they all report success. Why? After all, why would god grant these miracles, or let the devil do good things in their names?
The answer is a simple one, known only to those who have sought its answer. All these differing schools are powered by the magician himself. The practitioner believes his magic works, creating a framework that allows him to change the world around him. Through prayer, ritual, or other magical acts they summon the necessary energy/gnosis/kia/Tao and add it to their visualization of what will occur.
That is not to say the entities they are dealing with do not exist. On the contrary, every magical act they are asked to help with only increases their power. Each entity, including ourselves, are like batteries. With each drawing of our inner power, the higher capacity for that power we have. This allows fictional entities like Cthuhlu to be called upon and actually give results, along with giving entities like Death amazing capabilities.
Think of it. Every since the first cell died, Death has existed. The death of a loved one can be a traumatic and emotionally charged event, every curse cast towards Death only making it all the more powerful and real. Ask any practitioner, and they'll assure you what they do is real.
Try it for yourself and you may be amazed at just how far you can reach.
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