We are energy ordered into a physical form, the material world nothing more then the vibrations and frequencies put off by the movement of this energy. We can share this energy by touch, by emotion, and by conscious thought.
So, we can give this energy to machines. Does this mean they have life? I would say yes. Guitarists can tell you each guitar feels different, almost as if it had a soul. They can even feel the age of one, just by picking it up. Hasn't your computer ever seemed to have a mind of it's own, or actually responded to your pleas for it's cooperation? I have a friend whose CD player in his car refuses to play angry music. It will play all manner of CD's, but if an angry band is put it, it won't even play.
How can this be so?
We all feel like certain clothing gives us luck, that aged books seem like wizened old men, and that our special chair just feels different. I believe that through emotion we have given these automatons the spark of life, and that they can be addressed like any spirit. Go on a spirit journey and ask your car to keep you safe on the road. Perhaps you might ask the spirit of the washing machine to help cleanse your spirit body?
After all, all machines are made out of what once were natural materials. Might not the spirit stay with them then?
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